Take A Few Minutes To Begin Your Research On A Concept That Can Be Like Steroids For Your Business
A virtual background system is a tool that enables a professional photographer to have an infinite variety of backgrounds for their clients so they can easily produce unlimited variety for their subjects and be truly different from other photographers. These backgrounds, which are photographic transparencies, cost almost nothing, can be changed in seconds, are totally under the photographer’s control and do not need a place for storage. Our system is totally optical. There are no computers, no software, no pasting in, no green screen and requires no extra time as with pasting in and green screen. You simply insert a transparency in the projector. There are over 1,000 stock backgrounds and the photographer can easily capture their own backgrounds which reflect their local area. The photographer sees the background “live” in the camera viewfinder along with the subject and when the shutter is tripped, both the subject and the background are recorded. The results can be shown instantly. The quality of the results is phenomenally real and even better than real as you can see when you view our samples on this web site, created by photographers from around the world. Just as with a camera, every photographer has their own way to use a virtual background system.
The digital revolution has created some serious problems for professional photographers since amateurs now have digital cameras that enable them to do many things that once had to be done by a professional. The one tool that amateurs do not have is a virtual background system which enables the photographer to create an infinite variety of images without ever having to leave the studio where the photographer has total control. It is like magic. Not only does virtual backgrounds enable the photographer to be far above the amateurs, it also enables the photographer to offer products other photographers cannot create. It enables you to be truly different. A virtual background system helps you secure contracts and generate significantly higher sales averages.
Imagine for a moment what virtual backgrounds could do for you, especially if you created your own local custom backgrounds. You could create results that no one else can. We invite you to review the evidence, the actual photographs taken with virtual backgrounds and the testimonials and you will find overwhelming evidence why the virtual backgrounds system is the most powerful tool a photographer can own to grow their business and profits.
It is possible to get started for just the cost of a few expensive canvas backgrounds. There are many options including the specific projector, screen size, and new vs demo and refurbished. The important factor is that virtual backgrounds is an investment that should easily pay for itself and go on generating significant profits for the photographer. In fact, some photographers pay for their entire system after just a couple of jobs…jobs that they may have gotten only because they offered the benefits of using Virtual Backgrounds. Virtual Backgrounds offers a very attractive financing plan for professional photographers. Once you get started using Virtual Backgrounds, you would never again want to work without it.
This web site offers an enormous amount of information. If you are serious about making money in professional photography, you need to really explore this entire web site. Look at the many hundreds of samples photographs. Read about our featured photographers and look at their images. Go to the FAQ section where just about every question we are ever asked is answered. Watch the video clips. Learn about our workshops and customer support. Look at our background libraries. Imagine being able to replace your $1,000 canvas background with a $10.00 transparency! Imagine creating your own backgrounds that only you have?
If you don’t already receive our monthly e-magazine, The Backgrounder, apply for it. It’s FREE. All the back issues are on this site. And, always be thinking about all the unique and special images you could create if you had a virtual background system. Virtual Backgrounds is not just a photographic tool. It is also a very powerful marketing tool.
Many photographers just don’t “get it” in terms of the power complementary backgrounds have to promote their photography business. This is why we wrote the book, Background Power! which is available free in PDF format on this web site. As you explore this web site, ask yourself, “Can I think of any product that would come anywhere close to virtual backgrounds in helping me grow my business and thus being an outstanding investment?” You’ll see why virtual backgrounds is such a powerful tool and great investment…and its fun to use.
Our studio consultants are ready to answer your specific questions. Call 512 805 4844 or e mail us at [email protected].
You can come to Virtual Backgrounds for a workshop or to just “test drive” our products for yourself. The more you know about virtual backgrounds, the more you will want to get a system for your studio.