One of the most important components for success with Virtual Backgrounds is the proper selection of background slides, not just any scenic slide will work. In fact, postcard type images seldom work. Background slides must be carefully composed so they add important and complimentary dimensions to a photograph without detracting from the subject. Never judge a slide by how pretty it looks by itself.
Our background slides were all selected specifically for use in a Virtual Backgrounds system for quality portrait photography. Our slides cover a huge range of possibilities, from the surreal to traditional photographerâs canvas and plain colors. The slides include indoor scenes, outdoor scenes from all seasons, computer generated graphics, columns, archways, holiday scenes and unique windows. The slide images were collected over many years from many different parts of the world and now, more than 1,000 select backgrounds are available as Virtual Backgrounds collections. Nearly all background slides are 40mm x 40mm square images for maximum flexibility and all slides are digitally produced by Virtual Backgrounds on a film recorder.
Our background slides are very generic allowing for the broadest spectrum of usage but now you can also create your own background slides to highlight your own special scenes. The slides you take can be very personalized to your immediate environment, landmarks and places that are important to your customers. We can even produce the slide for you with our custom background slide production service.
Many of our slides come in theme related collections of six. We have others, such as our variety collections, that include 10, 15, 20, 50, and even 80 backgrounds in a single set. Keep in mind that specific slides also enable you to manipulate the posing and lighting to create a complete composite image that will be thrilling both to you, as the photographer, and to your customer.
Some people ask why we use transparencies? The answer is simple. They are elegantly simple and the quality is extremely high. It is so easy to manipulate the image to create exactly what the photographer is looking for. This is one case where older technology has many advantages over digital. It just works so well.
Note: One of the best ways to learn how to compose successful background slides for yourself is by purchasing slides that have been proven to be effective.
We offer many different background collections. Please click on any one of the links below to be taken to a directory of available collections.
New!!! Simone Premium Collections